This year, on January 19th, we celebrated the 200th birthday of one of horror's most distinguished and acclaimed authors, and one of my personal favorites, Edgar Allan Poe. Yesterday, October 7th, marked the anniversary of his death, 160 years ago. Despite the amazing works of literature he wrote, Edgar died practically a pauper. You can read all about it on his Wikipedia page.
To celebrate the anniversary of his death as well as his 200th birthday, I am posting these clips from the TV special "An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe", a one-man performance of Edgar Allan Poe stories marvelously performed by the one and only Vincent Price. Here, submitted for your approval, is parts 1 and 2 of Vincent performing one of my personal favorites, The Tell-Tale Heart. Enjoy!
That was fantastic! I have always enjoyed the qualities Vincent Price's voice. This is a great performance, truly a great story voiced by one of the worlds greatest voices.